Instructions for building the jOAI web application software v3.2 from source. Quick instructions: -------------------------------------------- This software may be built easily using Ant. If you are already using Ant and Tomcat, building the software is a three step process: 1. Obtain the code directory joai-project 2. Set the ant property 'catalina.home' to point to your Tomcat installation. 3. From the joai-project directory, execute the 'deploy' target. This will build the software and place it in a directory named 'oai' inside your Tomcat webapps directory. Detailed instructions: -------------------------------------------- The joai-project code may be obtained at: To build the jOAI software from source you must have the following: 1. joai-project - the jOAI software source code directory 3. Tomcat (available at 4. Ant (available at 5. Java Platform, Standard Edition Build instructions: These instructions assume you will be working in a UNIX command-line environment. The software can also be built on Windows but specific instructions are not provided here. 1. Obtain the joai-project code directory (see above) 2. Obtain and install all the required tools - Java, Ant, Tomcat (see above) 3. Place the joai-project directory into a build directory For example: # cd ~/my_build_area # ls joai-project 4. cd into the joai-project directory. # cd joai-project 5. Create a file named or in your build directory, that is the parent directory of the joai-project directory. Alternatively this file can be placed in your home directory. 6. Edit the file and set the property catalina.home to point to your intallation of Tomcat, for example: catalina.home = /home/username/dev/apache-tomcat-8 See the build.xml file located in joai-project for information on the properties settings. 7. Execute the Ant deploy command. # ant deploy You should see a number of messages in your terminal. Once complete you should see a message like: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 36 seconds 8. The software will be built into a directory named oai inside your Tomcat webapps directory. After (re)starting Tomcat you will be able to access the software at the URL http://localhost:8080/oai/ (substitute localhost with your domain name if appropriate).